Styling with TSLint

In the previous step we got our project in a cleaned-up state. Let’s show how to manage our code’s style using TSLint, the linter for TypeScript. TSLint is wired up by default in react-scripts-ts. In this step we look at configuring our style choices for the project.

Configuring the Configuration

TSLint is driven by an extensible configuration file. This usually tslint.conf in the root directory of the project. react-scripts-ts generated this for us. Open it up and let’s take a look:

  "extends": ["tslint:recommended", "tslint-react", "tslint-config-prettier"],
  "linterOptions": {
    "exclude": [

That looks suspiciously small. Where are all the settings? They’re being managed by others, in npm packages. Via tslint:recommended, tslint-react, etc. we are inheriting the style decisions that they manage. But we can override them in this file.