=================== Styling with TSLint =================== In the :doc:`previous step <../project_cleanup/index>` we got our project in a cleaned-up state. Let's show how to manage our code's style using *TSLint*, the linter for TypeScript. TSLint is wired up by default in *react-scripts-ts*. In this step we look at configuring our style choices for the project. Configuring the Configuration ============================= TSLint is driven by an extensible configuration file. This usually ``tslint.conf`` in the root directory of the project. ``react-scripts-ts`` generated this for us. Open it up and let's take a look: .. code-block:: json { "extends": ["tslint:recommended", "tslint-react", "tslint-config-prettier"], "linterOptions": { "exclude": [ "config/**/*.js", "node_modules/**/*.ts", "coverage/lcov-report/*.js" ] } } That looks suspiciously small. Where are all the settings? They're being managed by others, in npm packages. Via ``tslint:recommended``, ``tslint-react``, etc. we are inheriting the style decisions that they manage. But we can override them in this file.