===================================== Presentation and Container Components ===================================== React encourages a separation of concerns. UI components, aka presentation components, aka dumb components, are managed by container components, aka smart components. The container maintains state, logic, and passes things into the presentation component. Let's make our Counter a presentation component by moving the state up to he container (App) and the incrementing logic as well. Counter State ============= We'll start by removing state from the counter. Instead, the count is passed in as a prop. Also, the dumb child component will no longer decide the starting value, so remove ``start`` from the interface: .. code-block:: typescript :emphasize-lines: 4 interface ICounterProps { label?: string count: number } As soon as we do that, the universe starts breaking. TypeScript yells at us in every one of our tests, as our ```` component is not passing in a required prop. Next, let's change our ``Counter`` component to not have local state. We mentioned in :doc:`../functional_components/index` that stateless presentation components are best done with stateless functional components. Let's change ```` to an SFC:: const Counter: React.SFC = ( {label = 'Count', count} ) => { return (
) } Note that we commented out, for now, the click handler. We can also delete the ``ICounterState`` interface as it is no longer needed. Let's fix the first two tests, to see if we are in the ballpark: .. code-block:: typescript :emphasize-lines: 2, 8 it('should render a counter', () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('.counter label').text()) .toBe('Count'); }); it('should render a counter with custom label', () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('.counter label').text()) .toBe('Current'); }); These two tests no longer have TypeScript complaints. Since the ```` component no longer controls the starting value, you can remove the ``should default start at zero`` and ``should custom start at another value`` tests from ``Counter.test.tsx``. Passing In Click Function ========================= The child component is no longer responsible for the count value. It's passed in from the parent, which keeps track of the state. So how do we handle clicks? It sounds weird, but...in the same way. We're going to pass in an arrow function from the parent. Meaning, the parent contains all the logic for what happens when there is a click. All the child needs to know is "when the click event comes in, call the function that was passed to me as a prop". Here goes. First, since this click handler function will come in as a prop, we need to change ``ICounterProps`` to model it: .. code-block:: typescript :emphasize-lines: 4 interface ICounterProps { label?: string count: number onCounterIncrease: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void } Now *that's* an interface, baby. It captures quite a bit of the contract. Next, use ES6 object destructuring to "unpack" that from the props into the local scope, then refer to that prop in the ``onClick`` handler:: const Counter: React.SFC = ( {label = 'Count', count, onCounterIncrease} ) => { return (
) } Note that the IDE, as you did the unpacking, knew how to autocomplete ``onCounterIncrease``. Our tests, though, are having compiler trouble again. We broke the component contract, because ``onCounterIncrease`` is a mandatory prop. It's easy to shut up this test, because we aren't testing click handling: .. code-block:: typescript const handler = jest.fn(); const wrapper = shallow(); We used *Jest* mock functions to create a disposable arrow function which we passed in as a prop. Do this for both tests: .. code-block:: typescript it('should render a counter', () => { const handler = jest.fn(); const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('.counter label').text()) .toBe('Count'); }); it('should render a counter with custom label', () => { const handler = jest.fn(); const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('.counter label').text()) .toBe('Current'); }); Event handling is a bit trickier. We need a "spy" that tells whether our passed-in handler gets called, and called the right way. Also, we don't test whether the value updates, since the container is responsible for that. Let's change the third test: .. code-block:: typescript it('should call the handler on click', () => { const handler = jest.fn(); const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.find('.counter').simulate('click', {shiftKey: false}); expect(handler).toBeCalledWith({shiftKey: false}); }); We're simply ensuring that clicking the value calls the callback. We could delete the last test, as it isn't the responsibility of the ```` to handle the click. All the logic is in container, not the presentation component. Dumb Component Gets a Little Smarter ==================================== But is that strictly true? What if the presentation component took care of dissecting HTML event information, extracted the relevant data, and *then* called the callback? That's a better division of responsibilities. The container would then be truly UI-less for this functionality. First, let's change the contract. Our callback will be called *not* with the raw event, but with a boolean for the shift information: .. code-block:: typescript interface ICounterProps { label?: string count: number onCounterIncrease: (isShift: boolean) => void } Our SFC gains a local arrow function which does the extraction and calling:: const Counter: React.SFC = ( {label = 'Count', count, onCounterIncrease} ) => { const handleClick = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { onCounterIncrease(event.shiftKey); }; return (
) } Our third test can now change, to see if our "spy" was called with a boolean instead of an event object: .. code-block:: typescript :emphasize-lines: 5 it('should call the handler on click', () => { const handler = jest.fn(); const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.find('.counter').simulate('click', {shiftKey: false}); expect(handler).toBeCalledWith(false); }); Updating the Container ====================== We now have a ```` presentation component that passes tests. But we've shifted some responsibility to the parent. Let's do the updates. Start by opening ``App.tsx`` and ``App.test.tsx`` side-by-side. First, this ```` component will now have some state. Make an interface for it: .. code-block:: typescript interface ICounterState { count: number } Change the class setup to use this, with a constructor that sets up the initial state:: class App extends React.Component { constructor(props: {}) { super(props); this.state = { count: 0 }; } Now it's time for the action. Let's make a method that updates the state. This will be the handler that's passed into ````. We first try it as a normal method: .. code-block:: typescript public increment(isShift: boolean) { const inc: number = isShift ? 10 : 1; this.setState({count: this.state.count + inc}); } But this is going to have the same problem discussed previously: ``this`` is bound to the event, not the component. As before, we solve this by converting the method to an arrow function class property: .. code-block:: typescript public increment = (isShift: boolean) => { const inc: number = isShift ? 10 : 1; this.setState({count: this.state.count + inc}); } With this in place, we can now update the ``render`` function: .. code-block:: jsx public render() { return (
); } State is maintained in the parent which it gives to the child, along with an update handler function. Test the State Updater ====================== And with that, our tests pass again. However, we have dropped any testing to see whether the state actually updated. The responsibility is spread a bit between the two components. Let's first write tests in ``App.test.tsx`` for the increment function: .. code-block:: typescript it('updates state when increment is called without shift', () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const instance = wrapper.instance() as App; expect(instance.state.count).toBe(0); instance.increment(false); expect(instance.state.count).toBe(1); }); it('updates state when increment is called with shift', () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const instance = wrapper.instance() as App; expect(instance.state.count).toBe(0); instance.increment(true); expect(instance.state.count).toBe(10); }); We used Enzyme's ``instance()`` method to grab the component instead of the DOM-like node. We then called ``increment`` and checked to see if the parent's state increased appropriately. Those tests pass, which is a good sign. We need though to test the parent-child connection. For this we'll go back to Enzyme's ``mount``: .. code-block:: typescript it('updates the count by 1 via the counter component', () => { const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find('.counter').simulate('click', {shiftKey: false}); expect(wrapper.find('.counter span').text()).toBe('1'); }); it('updates the count by 10 via the counter component', () => { const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find('.counter').simulate('click', {shiftKey: true}); expect(wrapper.find('.counter span').text()).toBe('10'); }); Fantastic, these tests pass. We now have enough confidence to head back over to the browser. Fire up the ``start`` run config, reload the browser, click and shift click, then shut down ``start``. Testing Is Cool =============== This was a heck of a tutorial step. Let's take a moment and think about how development would have gone the "normal" way. How many times would you have switched to from IDE->browser->IDE? How many clicks would you have to do to each time, checking that your new stuff worked and didn't break your old stuff? When you ran into a problem, would the browser give you a convenient and accurate notice? It's hard to make yourself get into TDD for React and TypeScript. Once you do, and once you get into the flow, it's a very positive development experience.